Besides his orchestral, solo and chamber music career, Giuliano Sommerhalder is among today’s most sought-after pedagogues.

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Hochschule der Künste Bern

Giuliano Sommerhalder is the main trumpet teacher at the Hochschule der Künste Bern (Bern University of the Arts) in the beautiful Capital of Switzerland.
He joins a top-class brass faculty (alongside Ian Bousfield, Rex Martin and Thomas Rüedi) and lessons take place in state-of-the-art facilities.

Here you can obtain:
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Master in Performance
- Master in Pedagogy

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AIMART Academy Rome

Aimart is the leading private music academy in Rome.
In an inspiring, centrally located and creative environment, Giuliano Sommerhalder is the head of the brass department and gives yearly brass seminars.

Here you can obtain:
- Certificate of participation